De la empresa como pura facticidad a la relación de trabajo sin contrato


  • Claudio Palavecino Cáceres Universidad de Chile


The authorstarts by analyzing the need for aconcept of companyinlabor law, continues withthe variousinterpretations thathave been given by thenational doctrine and the implications oftheir conclusions.Then, he presentsthe antecedents of the historical anddogmatic thesesthatpostulates to leave out the forms and the willfulness as the fundaments of the juridical relations, emphasizing itstotalitarianantecedent, and theiterfor whichwas assumed by the traditionallabor doctrineto the pointof becomingpart of the sourcesof labor law (principle ofprimacyof reality).Then, he ends warning about the dangers ofthe doctrinalusethese toolsto strengthlegitimatebusiness purposes(commercialand tax), assuming bad faith orfraudulentsimulation.


Company, labor law, fusión, adquisition, over sourcing, principle of primacy of reality, group of companies, legal personality

Author Biography

Claudio Palavecino Cáceres, Universidad de Chile

Profesor asistente de Departamento de Derecho del Trabajo, de la Universidad de Chile