The New Quellon distillatory: genesis and decay of a town on the Big Island of Chiloe, Chile


  • Antonio Sahady V. Académico de la Facultad de Arquitectura y U
  • José Bravo Sánchez Académico de la Facultad de Arquitectura y U
  • Carolina Quilodrán Rubio Académico de la Facultad de Arquitectura y U


Quellón, one of the main chiloteans cities, confine of Isla Grande, because their economic and social development a distiller of alcohols and Woods. Unlike most of the other cities in southern, originally Hispanic and abounding by timber of early 20th century, the community of Quellón builds your scaffolding on economic revenues derived from the distiller. Its decline, however, derives from the questionable landing salmon's industry.


distiller of alcohols and timbers, chiloé, yauquil, quellón and chilotean city