Author Guidelines
Estudios de Administración publishes the following:
Original manuscripts not previously published elsewhere. Manuscripts presented or included in conference proceedings will be considered for review. Academic research and cases in all business disciplines is divided into five categories:
- Empirical research work: Results of original research projects with empirical data analysis (qualitative, quantitative and/or mixed) associated with current literature, and research replicas with consistent or non-consistent results.
- Methods, methodological approaches and measuring instruments: Manuscripts presenting the use of different methodologies and the application of models in different contexts, as well as studies that validate measurement instruments, bibliometrics, meta-analysis, or verifications of experimental procedures, which can be replicated are welcomed.
- Literature reviews: Contemporary articles that conceptually and theoretically synthesize, integrate or advance different scopes in business administration disciplines, particularly in Latin America and emerging countries.
- Teaching cases: Research articles based on real business situations, designed to instruct students in the faculties of administration and business, providing organizational experiences subject to reality, which allow the application of theoretical propositions and combine them with practical simulations and decision making.
- Connection to practice: Studies that respond to the growing need for a greater focus on how business management and administration function, or on the way in which practitioners carry out their work in organizational practice. Research approaches such as Strategy-as-Practice (SAP), Marketing-as-Practice (MAP), Innovation-as-Practice (IAP), Entrepreneurship-as-Practice (EAP), etc. are welcome.
In all cases, contributions are double-blind reviewed, and are judged by their merit, rigor, relevance and potential impact on the literature in the region and emerging markets.
Editorial Process
To publish manuscripts in Estudios de Administración, authors should send their contribution via the Open Journal Systems platform by registering or logging in at the platform.
The Editor will review the manuscript and will return it to the author(s), in no more than a week, indicating whether or not the manuscript will be sent for peer review, suggesting different paths for the manuscript.
Manuscripts will be blind reviewed by two external referees according to different criteria including: clarity, literature review and conceptual development, method and data analysis, implications and relevance for theory and practice, and contribution to the discipline.
Reviewers may suggest:
- Acceptance
- Acceptance with minor revision
- Conditional acceptance with major revision
- Rejection of the manuscript
In any event, the Editor of Estudios de Administración will make the final decision. In most cases, the final decision will be made within sixty (60) days following the Editor’s first communication.
The author(s) will have to make the final corrections and prepare the final version of the manuscript within thirty (30) days following the Editor’s decision in order to go to press.
Style Guide
TITLE PAGE (first page) Download template here
Articles must include a first page with the title and information on the author(s). The title should be no longer than 20 words in Times New Roman, font 14 (bold).
All authors must include given name(s) and family name(s), institution, email and ORCID id (if applicable). Please check that all names are accurately spelled. Avoid identifying the author(s) in the rest of the manuscript in order to ensure anonymity.
All manuscripts must include a 250-word abstract in both English and Spanish, synthesizing the main topic addressed by the paper, the research method used and the major findings.
Authors must also provide from three (3) to six (6) keywords and three (3) JEL Codes for indexation and search.
DECLARATIONS (Please include the headings that apply to your manuscript. Those marked with * are required). In the final version (once accepted for publication) these will go before the References section:
- *Conflict of interest: the author(s) of the manuscript must state if there are any kind of conflicts of interest with any entity or institution, or of a personal nature in this publication, that may have inappropriately influenced or biased this work.
- Acknowledgments and financial support: If you wish to mention acknowledgments and financial support, these should only be included on the first page, which is removed before sending the manuscript to the peer-reviewers in order to ensure objectivity in the evaluation.
- *Confidentiality, privacy, and consent for publication (third-party material): mention whether the names used in this manuscript have been changed to protect and maintain the confidentiality of the information sources, the identity of the participants and/or the organizations. If third-party material owned and held in copyright (i.e., texts, images, graphs, screenshots, etc.) is used, the author(s) must state that they have the owners’ prior written consent to include the material in the manuscript before submission.
NOTE: Estudios de Administración will translate the English Abstract, Keywords and Declarations for those non-English-speaking authors.
Texts in traditional research reports usually include the following sections: 1) Introduction; 2) Review of literature or theoretical background - which may or may not serve as grounds for formulating hypotheses -; 3) Research methods; 4) Results and analysis; 5) Discussion; 6) Conclusions; 7) Limitations and implications of the research (if any); 8) Practical or managerial implications (if any); 8) Directions for future research (if any); 9) Appendices (if any); and 10) References.
Similarly, for Literature reviews, Teaching cases and Connection to practice articles, divide your manuscript into clearly defined and numbered sections and subsections, always including the References section at the end.
Titles and Subtitles must be brief, clearly defined, and on their own separate line. Number your headings so that top-level headings are numbered 1, 2, 3, for example, starting with the Introduction section, and finishing in the Conclusions section. Second-level subheadings must be numbered 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.
Do not use field functions.
If your manuscript needs to include Appendices, identify each separate topic and label it with a letter in sequence (Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, etc.), according to the order in which they are mentioned in the body of the manuscript. To refer to an Appendix, use parenthetical citation. For example, write in the body of the manuscript (see Appendix D for Economic indicators and projections for Latin America and the Caribbean), or just (see Appendix D). Any citation within the Appendix must be included in the References list.
If your appendices include Tables, Figures, Formulae and/or Equations, add the letter of the Appendix, giving separate numbering: For example, number the third Figure in Appendix D, as ‘Figure D3’.
Each Appendix section label follows a ‘Level 1 Format Heading’, and must have a subtitle, headed with a ‘Level 2 Format’. For example:
Appendix D
Economic indicators and projections for Latin America and the Caribbean
Table D1 shows the most important economic indicator of the ...
Tables and Figures (if possible) should be submitted as editable text and not as images to facilitate the revision process. Figures and Tables can be placed either next to the relevant text in the article, or on separate page(s) at the end. If they are presented on separate pages, they must be referenced within the body of the manuscript to indicate their location on separate lines as "INSERT TABLE X HERE".
Do not include files or images that are too low in resolution. Make sure that:
- Lines and letters are legible for review, keeping lettering and sizing of Figures and Tables uniform (about 8–12 pt, or 2–3 mm) minimally varying the size among their elements (e.g., axes, chart titles, data labels, headings, etc.).
- Ensure that Figures, Tables, Equations and Formulae have a correlative number (1, 2, 3, etc.), for distinction, and name your files as "Figure" or “Table” followed by their number (e.g., Figure1 or Table 1).
- ‘Save as’ your Figure files as .JPG, using a minimum of 300 dpi (avoid files optimized for screen use, e.g., GIF, BMP, PICT, WPG). Line drawing import/scan must be in bitmap format (.BMP or .DIB), with a minimum resolution of 1200 dpi.
- Save your Table files with .xls or .xlsx format.
Notes for Tables and Figures must be specified below them, using 8-pt Times New Roman, following the General (first), Specific (second) and Probability (third) order.
- General notes explain, qualify or provide information about the Table/Figure, including abbreviations, symbols, units of measurement. They Include the citation of the original source of publication in the form of a reference following the Author(s), (Year) format.
- Specific notes identify key elements within the Table/Figure using superscript lowercase letters (e.g., a, b, c).
- Probability notes show the results of tests for statistical significance (e.g., *p < .05, two-tailed. **p < .01, one-tailed, ***p < .001), etc.
For Figures, please refer to any type of graph, chart, drawing, maps, plots, photos, etc., in your manuscript as a Figure.
Use the Equation Editor or Math Type for Equations and Formulae. In the case of equations and formulae that do not fit in a column, indicate the appropriate cut-offs.
Supplementary materials (e.g., images, video or audio files, applications) are welcomed for revision, and will be available to the readers exactly as they are in the definitive version; therefore, please make sure you have provided an updated file in the pre-publishing phase.
If your manuscript is accepted for publication, most of the formatting codes will be adapted to the Journal’s standards in the production stage; we therefore suggest keeping the layout of your article as simple as possible.
For any direct quoting or paraphrasing in-text citations (parenthetical or narrative), please follow the -Last name, Year- format, as suggested by the Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition.
All the in-text citations within the body of the manuscript should be included on the Reference list.
Footnotes should not be used for citation or referencing.
When copying references (i.e., from Google Scholar citation), please ensure that all the information is complete and free of errors. Double-checking the reference by including the DOI, and confirming with it, the information from the original source is highly recommended. For instance, check edition number, volume, issue, and pages.
Web references can be included in the reference list. Be sure to include the author, publication date, title of the page or article, website name, URL, and the date when the reference was last accessed.
Unpublished material of Personal Communications (e.g., interviews, emails, text messages, lectures, etc.) should NOT be included in the Reference list. Instead, please use parenthetical quotations in the body of the manuscript, citing the communicator’s name, followed by “personal communication”, and the date. For example: (M. Martinez, personal communication, August 14, 2000).
Personal Communications that can be retrieved by the reader, must be included in the reference list, following the general structure: Author, A. (Year, Month Date). Interview type.
The order in the Reference list is alphabetical, by the name of the group or the last name of an individual author. If there are multiple publications per author, order them earliest to latest. Use only initials for an individual author's first name: 'Serrano, J.', not 'Serrano, Juan'.
Some of the most common citation examples are shown below:
Journal article Referencing:
Author Surname, First initial.(Publication Year). Article title. Source or Journal Title, Volume(Issue), pp.-pp. DOI:XX.XXXXX
Ainuddin, R. A., Beamish, P. W., Hulland, J. S., & Rouse, M. J. (2007). Resource attributes and firm performance in international joint ventures. Journal of World Business, 42(1), 47-60.
Conference Paper in Print Proceedings
Author Surname, First initial. (Publication Year). Article title. In Editor First Initial, Editor Surname (Ed.)Title of published proceedings. Paper presented at Title of Conference: Subtitle of Conference.Publication city, Country: Publisher Name.
Wilkinson, R. (1999). Sociology as a marketing feast. In M. Collis, L. Munro, & S. Russell (Eds.), Sociology for the New Millennium. Paper presented at The Australian Sociological Association, Monash University, Melbourne, 7-10 December (pp. 281-289). Churchill, VIC: Celts.
Book citation:
Author Surname, First initial. (Publication Year). Title of book: subtitle if given (edition if given or if its not first edition). Publication city, Country: Publisher Name.
Franks, A. (2005). Margaret Sanger's eugenic legacy: The control of female fertility. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company.
Chapter in book citation:
Author Surname, First initial. (Publication Year). Title of Chapter. In Editor First Initial, Editor Surname (Ed.), Title of book: (pp.-pp.). Publication city, Country: Publisher Name.
Hemingway, E. (1999). The killers. In J. Updike & K. Kenison (Eds.), The best American short stories of the century (pp.78-80). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Website citation
Author Surname, First initial/Corporation/Group/Organization's Name. (Year report was last updated/published/n. d/., Month and Day if given). Title of report: Subtitle if given (Pub. No. Publication Number if given). Website Name if different from author. URL
Canadian Cancer Society. (2013, April 14). Cancer research.
Newspaper citation:
Author Surname, First initial. (Publication Year). Article title. Periodical Title, Volume(Issue), pp.-pp. DOI:XX.XXXXX or URL
Davinsson, h. (2015, July 17). Shopping at Malls: Why we need to consider time?. International Post.