Massification is one of the global trends in higher education with more impact on the Latin American region. It has promoted discussion around the public/private divide in the provision of higher education, the role of the state and students in financing higher education studies, issues regarding quality, and challenges about how to teach students with diverse backgrounds. Also, stratification in access as well as across institutions has been under scrutiny and has prompted the implementation of policies and strategies. This article examines the main features of higher education institutions in Latin America and critically addresses these issues. The article ends with reflections about the relevance of implementing policies and institutional strategies to correct the inequity of the higher education systems in the region and to allow every student to develop basic skills in order to learn in a holistic way.
Global trends in higher education, Latin America, massification, public/private divide, quality, inequity
Guzmán-Valenzuela, C. (2018). GLOBAL TRENDS IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND THEIR IMPACT ON LATIN AMERICA: PENDING CHALLENGES. Lenguas Modernas, (50), Pág. 15 – 32. Retrieved from