Delimitation is an essential requirement for our trade with external stimuli to produce a cognitive experience. The processing of a complex of dynamic stimuli requires its segmentation into temporal-individuals (Situations), a segmentation operationalized in the languages through the constitution of limits. The properties that define the different types of linguistic limits do not all correspond to extralinguistic realities, they also result from impositions of ‘design’ provided by cognitive and communicative factors, respectively, presuppositions and implicatures. The objective of this paper is to identify different types of limits that segment the Situations in Spanish to define them later in terms of an integration of semantic, cognitive and pragmatic properties. The methodology consists of, first, exhausting the description in terms of truth conditions of the content
that constitutes a limit in an expression to then show the insufficiency of that description and thus finally resorting to pragmatic categories to grasp it”
Paris, L. (2019). Semantics and Pragmatics of the Temporal Content: Boundaries. Lenguas Modernas, (52), pp. 215–232. Retrieved from