Conversational competence in lingua franca to analyze speech acts in intercultural communication



This research focus on the divergences in linguistic action patterns and the effect of intercultural communication through in conversations in lingua franca. The above in order to identify speech acts produced in the social interactions between members of different cultures, specifically Chinese and Colombian. Therefore, an analytical methodology was applied in relation to the dyadic conversation among a Chinese and a Colombian teacher who interacted in English. The results show the obstacles overcoming among both participants, who took into account cultural dimensions, as well as signs of gestural and body language to solve any difficulties presented by verbal communication. However, the lack of knowledge about linguistic rules in relation to the use of language and the cultural standards, such as stereotypes, social distances, besides the cultural iceberg could cause certain difficulties in the pragmatics of communication.


Intercultural communication, Interactional linguistics, Conversation analysis, Speech acts, Lingua franca


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