Narrar (en) la “Post”: la escritura de Álvaro Bisama, Alejandra Costamagna, Alejandro Zambra


  • Alejandra Bottinelli W. Universidad de Chile


The Post is the name that this essay gives a time: what comes after to the recovery of legitimate political authority in Chile in the in the ‘90s; a desire: the return of a potency of organization of meaning that had existed before the catastrophe of culture that was the dictatorship, and his expectation in the long period that followed the beautiful but brief epiphany that was the popular triumph, that downed it (the ‘NO’). The writings here twinned expressed tensions of a historical process whose lack of proper name (the “transition”), evidence of the elusive vocation of a reality that postpones (not yet concluded to postpone) the identification of subjects in common horizons. Voices, of these writers, set out from that constitutive lack and try to recompose a possible sense, a puzzle formed by other voices, also lost, amid the loud noise which still does not allow hear them, in the Post.


Álvaro Bisama, Alejandra Costamagna, Alejandro Zambra, Contemporary Chilean literature, political transition, the Post