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Inclusion and Exclusion in the Educational System: the Expansion of Higher Education in Brazil, India and China


  • Bruno Morche Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul


This article aims to present briefly some features of the recent expansion process of higher education in Brazil, India and China (three BRIC countries, a group composed by Brazil, Russia, India and China) from the concepts of functional differentiation, inclusion and exclusion of social systems theory. The article shows that these countries are expanding their higher education systems more than the global average; however, still have low levels of access to higher education compared with developed countries. The article concludes that despite the recent strong higher expansion, it is still one of the main factors for the continued economic development in these countries.


BRIC, Expansion of Higher Education, Social Systems Theory, Inclusion/Exclusion, Higher Education System

Author Biography

Bruno Morche, Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul

Bruno Morche es sociólogo de la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brasil. Actualmente se desempeña como investigador en GEU - Grupo de Estudio sobre Universidades / UFRGS y como investigador del Observatorio de Proyectos de Educación, el cual cuenta con el apoyo de la Coordinación de Perfeccionamiento de Personal de Nivel Superior (CAPES) y del Instituto Nacional para la Investigación Educativa (INEP), del Ministerio de Educación de Brasil.