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Communication and Emotions as Sociological Categories


  • Raul Zamorano Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Karla Hernández Investigadora independiente


Recognizing the autopoietic closure of social and psychic systems, we analyze the plausibility of consider emotions as explanatory basis of social order and as ‘new’ source of knowledge of society. With this objective, we problematize the research program on emotions conceptualized as a self-description which rest on transcendental postulations –ontology, return to the subject, intersubjectivity– placing the emotions in a field of encounter between subject and society, and as a constitutive dimension of society. Although it is true that emotions are thematizable presuppositions in the communication, these cannot be the basis of society or a knowledge theory, even if they serve to take a stance on the side of emotion, with the risk of turning the reflection into a moral prescription.


Emotions, Communication, Psychic system, Social system, Knowledge


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