Commercial Sexual Exploitation and masculinity: different sides of violence


  • José Manuel Salas Calvo Universidad de Costa Rica


The intent is to show how the Commercial Sexual Exploitation is characterized for being a “multiple form of violence”, where commercial sexuality and masculinity intercede. This takes special shapes because it concerns under-aged victims at the mercy of adult people (especially men). In this context, the aim is to question what happens with masculinity, male sexuality and domination power. Some investigations that have been developed with general male populations of Central America, Panamá and Dominican Republic are used as a baseline. In addition, the situation of male victims (from Costa Rica) is alluded, and how the mandates of the hegemonic masculinity occur in them, also other of their characteristics are analyzed. Besides, the aim is to provide some elements to work in the prevention sphere, addressing males of different ages, whom are not necessarily exploiting costumers.


commercial sexual exploitation, masculinity, commercial sex, male masculinity, prevention