Killing death: Reflections on transhumanism and technology in Heideggerian perspective



The Heideggerian proposal on the technical destination of Being (das Ge-stell) has innumerable repercussions which impact on the contemporary way of existing, however, in recent times a certain current of thought has been highlighted which pretends to delimit the forms of future life: transhumanism. Although Heidegger never explicitly referred to this term, it is possible to think of a certain articulation between both, namely, to consider transhumanism as the last consequence of the technical destination of Being noticed by Heidegger. The present research seeks to understand this relationship from a common problem: human death, which is approached in different ways by transhumanism and Heidegger. Therefore, two facets of this capital issue will be explored, showing how transhumanism aims to eliminate death for future humanity, and how Heidegger argues that it is necessary to safeguard death in order to genuinely dwell in the world in the middle of the technical era.


transhumanismo, muerte, Heidegger, técnica, Ser