
IMPORTANT: Starting from Wednesday, May 22, 2024, all manuscripts accepted for publication in 2025 must also be published in an English version. This translation must be managed and funded by the authors, as the journal will no longer cover these costs.

The Revista Chilena de Fonoaudiología accepts manuscripts on a rolling basis throughout the calendar year.

Reading normal process and alteration in its developments according to the model proposed by M. Coltheart


  • Jaime Bermeosolo


This article examines the model of the skilled adult reading system proposed by Max Coltheart, helpful to characterize different types of developmental reading difficulties, in terms of the particular reading sub skills in which a child is having troubles when learning to read. Among the skills children must develop to become fluent skilled readers are letter recognition, whole word recognition, knowledge of letter-sound rules, and ability to access meaning from the printed word. Coltheart considers them the "basic building blocks of reading". The model can also be used to develop a systematic method for assessing how well a child is acquiring each of the reading sub skills, and in the selection or design of treatment methods.


disorders of reading, reading sub skills, learning to read, modularity and cognition